Your wish for the future

Imagine a world where all animals are treated with respect and compassion ...

Imagine a time when every puppy goes to a loving home ... where every cat purrs with contentment... where horses aren’t half starved and beaten to make them work harder ... where every cow, sheep, pig and hen lives a natural life.

This is our wish for the future – and one sentence in your Will could make you part of it.

If kindness towards animals has been one of the guiding principles of your life, wouldn’t you enjoy knowing that your voice against cruelty, neglect, greed and ignorance will continue to be heard beyond your lifetime?

Including the Durban & Coast SPCA in your Will is an easy way to ensure that your vision of a cruelty-free world is passed on to the next generation – and that there will always be someone to help when an animal is hungry, hurt, frightened or lost.

Saving a dog won’t change the world. But it will change the world for that dog. By leaving a bequest to the Durban & Coast SPCA in your Will, you could save hundreds of dogs, cats and other pets in years to come. And maybe even change the world a little … making it a kinder place for all animals.

What is a bequest?

A bequest is simply a gift that you make to someone in your Will. It can be anything – from a simple cash amount or item of jewellery, to everything you own. Which type you choose will depend on your personal circumstances – how many beneficiaries you have and the value of your estate..

Why the SPCA?

If your life has been enriched by the faithful companionship of a beloved dog, cat, or other pet, leaving a bequest to the Durban & Coast SPCA is a way of giving something back to the animal world.

As the oldest animal welfare movement in the country, the SPCA boasts well over 100 years of service to animals in South Africa – and is today considered the foremost authority on animal welfare. Yet we receive no state funding for the work we do.

If your bequest was used to teach children about the rights of all living creatures, it would help to make real change possible. Your gift will help to shelter hundreds of animals in the years ahead, and will secure our future into the next century of our existence.

Bequest Leaflet

Bequest Society News

Catching up with special friends who have made the decision to remember our SPCA in their Wills

MEET-A-MEMBER Michelle Munroe

As an accountant working from home, Michelle knows that three cats add up to the perfect number of purrs and cuddles!

Harley, Star and Maddison are all rescues. When a friend found a tiny 2-week-old kitten, she knew just who to take it to – Michelle has always loved animals, especially cats. 14 years later, Star is still living happily with Michelle. But she doesn’t like strangers and hides in the bedroom when people visit.

The other two cats belonged to Michelle’s next door neighbour, who wasn’t looking after them properly. When Harley came over to her house, he was skin and bones. Kind-hearted Michelle couldn’t chase him away as he was clearly starving. After she found out that he had a kidney problem, she looked after him until he was better and, not surprisingly, he decided to stay with her permanently. It wasn’t long before Maddison moved in too!

Cruelty to animals is something Michelle can’t tolerate. Including our SPCA as a beneficiary in her Will gives her the satisfaction of knowing that animals in distress will always have a safe haven.
Posted 7 November 2023


Turning 93 is a real cause for celebration and lots of spoils. Michael received plenty of gifts, chocolates and good wishes for his birthday in September, as well as a visit from Carol, from the Dog Box charity shop in Ballito.

Pam celebrated her 96th birthday on 1 October. Unfortunately, she spent the day in hospital, but was up, walking around the gardens enjoying the sunshine a few days later. She loves feeding the wild birds.

Although Pam loves animals and is devoted to her cats, she finds it too upsetting to visit our SPCA. Mary popped in to wish her many happy returns.

Pictured above: Michael celebrates his 93rd birthday with Carol & Heidi (top), while Mary was there to wish Pam a happy 96th birthday (below).
Posted 7 November 2023

Can’t have a pet? Share one of ours!

If you live in a place that’s not pet-friendly – or you’re concerned about taking on an animal that may outlive you – why not consider sponsoring one of our friendly SPCA yard cats instead?

In return for a small monthly contribution towards their care, you can pop in to our SPCA at any time during normal opening hours, and enjoy a cuddle with ‘your’ cat. Call Mary on 031 579 6535 for more details.
Posted 7 November 2023

Message from our Bequest Liaison Officer, Mary Koen

It has been a busy few months and I have really enjoyed the opportunities afforded by our recent events to get to know you all a little better.

Even though I’m still learning the game, it was a joy to watch the Bridge experts play at our recent tournament. So successful was the event, that we organised a Scrabble morning, and may have a bowls competition next year.

Membership of our Bequest Society has grown and I’m thrilled to welcome all new members. Your thoughtful commitment to supporting our vision and legacy means the world to us. A bequest is not just a financial contribution; it is a powerful statement of belief in the causes and values you hold most dear. And it ensures that the impact of our work will continue to make a positive difference for years to come.

Thank you for being part of the Durban & Coast SPCA bequest community. If you have any questions, feedback or sugges- tions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Your input is invaluable.
Posted 7 November 2023

Moving to a smaller home?

Did you know that we collect your unwanted items in good condition?

From furniture and appliances to kitchen items, crockery, curtains, books, ornaments and clothing – whatever you no longer want or need, we can sell to raise funds to help pay for food and vet supplies for animals at the SPCA.

Call 031 579 6534 to arrange for us to collect. Thank you!
Posted 7 November 2023

Bridge morning attracts crowds

Over a hundred people attended our first Bridge Tournament at Northlands Bowling Club on 19 July – making it one of our most successful Bequest Society events.

It was wonderful to see so many people intent on the challenges of the game and thoroughly enjoying the morning. Delicious eats and drinks were provided by the talented team at our own Coffee Cats Café.

Grateful thanks to Hollywood Bets for their generous sponsorship, and to everyone who attended. Through your participation, you helped us raise R12 000 towards the care of our furry orphans.

Want to join us next time? Please email to be sure of receiving your invitation.
Posted 7 November 2023

Meet-a-member: David Vincent

AKA ‘Mr Tennis’, David Vincent has a soft spot for tabby cats and ‘pavement specials’, who are usually considered less desirable than their pure bred peers.

Born in Newcastle in England, David moved with his family to Toowoomba in Australia at an early age. They lived next to a forest inhabited by koala bears and kangaroos. Later, the family then moved to Rhodesia before settling in South Africa.

Regardless of where he lived, David has always had cats or dogs, and they always came from the SPCA. One of his dogs was so clever, it recognised the sound of his car and would always be sitting by the door waiting for him when he got home.

A member of our Bequest Society since 2007, David explains why he joined: “What better way to reward the loyalty and affection of all those animals, than by leaving a bequest to the SPCA, which looks after so many stray, sick and unwanted pets?”

Pictured above: David Vincent enjoys meeting Amber, our tabby Yard Cat. Posted 22 February 2022

"Your work is critical, not just necessary"

So says animal lover and Bequest Society member, Rose McDonald.

“I have always been so impressed by the work of the SPCA,” says Rose. “Rescuing animals in distress, policing animal cruelty cases, and caring for lost, surrendered and abandoned creatures is so important.

“It must be devastating for your dedicated staff to receive bad publicity and negative comments from the ‘bleeding hearts’. As much as I am an animal lover, the thought of prolonging an animal’s life if it has no, or very little, prospect of recovery or being rehomed is in itself a form of cruelty.

“Too many people put their own feelings fi rst, instead of considering the welfare of the animal. The fact of the matter is that there are just too many dogs and cats around and irresponsible people still deliberately breed more.”

Rose is the devoted owner of two dogs, Touch and Jack. “They bring me such joy and make me laugh out loud every single day,” she says. Animals have always played a big part in her life. She and her sister grew up on a farm in Rhodesia and were homeschooled until she was eight. Dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, goats, sheep, chickens, ducks and geese were an integral part of life. Rose even had a pet white rat, Ratty, who went everywhere with her.

Above are some of Rose’s favourite memories from her photo album. Posted 22 February 2022

Message from our Bequest Liaison Officer, Mary Koen

Mike Love (of the Beach Boys) said, “The great thing about getting older is that you get a chance to tell the people in your life who matter what they mean to you”.

So I’d like to take this opportunity to tell our Bequest Society members how much you mean to the SPCA. Life is so short. In the blink of an eye it can be over. But when you leave a legacy to the SPCA, it lives on in the animals left behind.

Your kindness ensures there will be a safe place for ill treated, abandoned and unwanted dogs and cats until they find their forever homes, or cross over the rainbow bridge. At our SPCA, animals find compassion and empathy – far away from the horrors they endured before they were rescued.

Best of all, your bequest keeps on working into the future, giving hope to animals that have not yet come through our doors. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this selfless gesture. Posted 22 February 2022

Have you spotted Humphrey's statue yet?

SPCA Ambassador, Humphrey, featured in a previous newsletter after raising more than R1 million for our SPCA. His achievement and dedication to animals in need has now been immortalised in the form of a statue on the Umhlanga promenade, outside the Cabanas.

The statue has an embedded Zapper code, so Humphrey can continue raising money for our SPCA in perpetuity! Be sure to take a selfie if you walk that way, and email it to for possible inclusion in our next newsletter. Posted 22 February 2022

Why wait for Wills Week?

Every year in September, the Law Society of South Africa organizes a ‘Wills Week’, during which anyone can have their Will drawn up free of charge by a participating attorney nationwide.

As a friend and supporter of the Durban & Coast SPCA, you don’t have to wait for Wills Week. Yvonne Boden, who is the Director of Estates & Trusts at Garlicke & Bousfield, has very kindly offered to assist at any time during the year. Call Mary on 031 579 6535 for more information. Posted 22 February 2022

Friend and protector

Isn’t it amazing how the memories of animals we have loved endure long after they have passed on? Many of us can remember in remarkable detail our very first pet – and still describe their amusing antics and habits. Bequest Society member, Joy Schimper, shares fond memories of her family dog, Honey.

"Honey, a cross Ridgeback/Boxer, was an SPCA rescue we had when my children were growing up," she explains.

Joy worked at Faith for Daily Living, and every day when she arrived home from work, Honey would be sitting outside, waiting for her. As soon as she caught sight of Joy, Honey would run inside to alert the family and then run back out to greet her mistress.

"Honey was very loving and protective of the children," Joy remembers fondly.

Animals have always played an important part in Joy’s life. So the decision to leave a bequest to ensure that those in distress will continue to be rescued and cared for by the SPCA, was easy to make. Posted 29 January 2020

Circle of life

Honey, the dog in the story alongside, has been gone for many years now. But we wonder if there isn’t another 'Honey' in the making right here? This cute pup was recently adopted from our SPCA and we’re predicting these two new friends will share many adventures and special moments together.

Thank you for supporting our work, and helping to make happy new lives possible for unwanted dogs and cats. Posted 29 January 2020

Lasting tribute to a special man

Seeing her husband's name on a plaque on one of our kennels was a bitter sweet moment for Barbara Thomas, who joined a group of supporters for a Tea and Tour of our SPCA recently.

Her husband, Eddie, passed away in November 2006, and the plaque is a meaningful tribute to a man who throughout his life held animals in high regard.

Mary Koen, our Bequest Liaison Officer, took the group ‘behind the scenes’ at our premises so they could gain a greater insight into the work that goes on here, and meet some of the animals that benefit from their support.

After the tour, the group enjoyed tea with freshly baked scones and cupcakes at Coffee Cats Café.

If you are interested in joining our next Tea and Tour, please call Mary Koen on 031 579 6535. Posted 29 January 2020

Good bye to a dear friend

We were saddened to hear of the death of long-time friend and supporter, Peter Chamberlain, who passed away on his birthday, 21 October, 2019.

Originally from London, Peter came to South Africa in the early 80s to establish Capital Radio 604, broadcasting from Port St Johns. He managed the radio station for a decade, during which he also became the face of Natal Lotto. More recently he was bingo host for Sun International.

Peter had a long association with our SPCA. He MC’d our Pet Fun Day and Bequest Society lunches, keeping us in stitches with his quick wit and jokes. We extend sincere condolences to his family and friens

Posted 29 January 2020

Start of another lifelong friendship?

Chatting to one of our newest members, Sheila Hansen, we discovered that her love of animals can be traced back to when, as a five-year old, she was shown a litter of kittens at her mom’s hairdressers – and decided to take one home with her.

Her mother had no idea that Sheila had taken the kitten – and was quite horrified when shefound out. But 'Le-Woos', as he was named, was through the door and had no intention of leaving! He remained Sheila’s faithful companion for over 20 years.

Sheila believes that animals need our help – and by leaving a legacy to the SPCA in her Will, she knows that she’ll continue helping them in the future.

Watching another tiny kitten making friends with a young boy at our SPCA recently, we wondered if history might repeat itself. It's always so heartwarming to see adopted animals going home with their new owners. Posted 29 January 2020

Message from our Bequest Liaison Officer, Mary Koen

Warm, friendly, and with the biggest heart, Mary Koen is a familiar face at the Durban & Coast SPCA.

"Over the past 10 years, I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the most inspiring people who are members of our Bequest Society. I read somewhere that we touch people's lives simply by existing. But I was unprepared for the impact that so many of you have had on my life.

"Thank you for sharing your rich history ... the stories that make me laugh (and sometimes cry) ... and your sheer goodness and love for animals. I always look forward to our lunches and the chance to catch up or just see a familiar face. Even just enjoying a chat on the phone brightens my day. Thank you all for being so special." Posted 29 January 2020

In loving memory of Dr Paddy McDowell

We're sad to report that on 5 December 2019 our former Bequest Society chair, Dr Paddy McDowell, passed away at the age of 89. He chaired the society for eight years before retiring due to ill health.

Born in the small market town of Ballynahinch in Northern Ireland, Paddy was brought up around horses and had an enduring affection for all animals. An avid sportsman, he represented Eastern Province at hockey and athletics, played golf off a two handicap and was a former president of the Natal Swimming Association. He held an MCom in economics and a PhD in international trade finance. Paddy is survived by his wife, Jenny, five children, 13 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. We extend our sincere condolences to the family. Posted 29 January 2020

How you can get involved

If you love animals, please support our efforts to protect them from cruelty and neglect. There are lots of different ways to help.

Sponsor a Yard Cat

Provide care and shelter for one of the cats that live permanently at our SPCA because they cannot be re-homed – with your monthly sponsorship gift of just R200.


Volunteering is an enriching experience for anyone who has some free time on a regular basis and wants to make a difference. You need to be over 16 years of age, reliable and have your own transport.

Get a MySchool Card

It costs you nothing, and you'll help animals every time you swipe the card at Woolworths and other participating stores. Be sure to nominate Durban & Coast SPCA as the beneficiary. Download the app from the Apple store or Google play, or click the button to sign up online.

Donate in lieu of a gift

Helping to make a better world for animals is the perfect way to honour a friend or loved one who prefers not to receive gifts for a birthday, anniversary or other celebration.

Support Coffee Cats

Enjoy a cuppa or a light meal in the tranquil setting of our cafe and tea garden. Meet our famous yard cats, browse plants for sale, visit our charity shop or Adoption Centre.

Include us in your Will

If kindness towards animals has been one of the guiding principles of your life, wouldn’t you enjoy knowing that your voice against cruelty, neglect, greed and ignorance will continue to be heard beyond your lifetime?

Donate unwanted items

Your unwanted furniture, clothing, household appliances, books, jewellery, etc can be sold in our charity shop to raise funds towards the care of our furry orphans. We also appreciate gifts of pet food, blankets, etc.

Collect small change for us

If you own or manage a retail outlet or are a member of a club, why not keep one of our collection tins on your counter? Small change mounts up quickly and makes a big difference to our Society!

Shop til you drop

We have a charity shop filled with amazing bargains, as well as a section of brand new pet products – collars & leads, tick & flea remedies, grooming products, toys & pet food.

Buy plants

Fill your garden with beautiful healthy plants, seedlings, flowers and more. Large selection available at our nursery, adjacent to Coffee Cats.

Sponsor a kennel

When you sponsor a kennel at the SPCA at a cost of R200 monthly, your kindness doesn't only touch one dog. Hundreds of sad, hurting and frightened dogs will find sanctuary in 'your' kennel, while they wait to be adopted.

Report cruelty

Animals can't speak for themselves - they need compassionate people to speak for them. If you know of an animal that is being ill treated or neglected, call us on 031 579 6501 or our emergency after hours number, 083 212 6103.

Amanzimtoti: 031 904 2424/5

Dolphin Coast (Ballito): 087 550 0512 /083 653 0127 (Emergencies)

Dundee & District: 034 212 2851

Empangeni: 034 792 9129/078 306 1439 (Emergencies)

Eshowe: 035 474 4169

Estcourt: 36 352 1476/083 555 9758 (Emergencies)

Greytown: 033 413 1181/033 413 1522

Howick: 033 330 4557/033 330 2672

Kloof & Highway: 031 764 1212

SPCA Inspector

Kokstad: 082 771 7229

Lower South Coast: 039 312 0962

Mooi River & District: 033 263 1526

Newcastle: 034 318 2346

Phoenix (Avonford Crescent) : 031 500 6452

Pietermaritzburg: 033 386 9267/8/9

Richards Bay: 035 753 2086

Sani: 033 702 1884