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Our Blog

We discuss all issues relating to animals here. Guest posts are welcome. Email your post to us for consideration.

Pet euthanasia at the SPCA – the difficult choice

Pet euthanasia at the SPCA – the difficult choice

Euthanasia is one of the most heartbreaking but necessary responsibilities of the Durban & Coast SPCA. No one wants to put a healthy animal to sleep. But the pet overpopulation, coupled with a shortage of good homes, has led to a crisis.

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Hardy, healthy cross-breeds rule!

Hardy, healthy cross-breeds rule!

Cross-breed … mongrel … mutt – dogs with mixed parentage are universally seen as far less desirable and valued than purebred dogs. And yet, they can be just as
lovable, friendly and loyal, with none of the health issues associated with some breeds.

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Vaccination schedule for puppies and kittens

Vaccination schedule for puppies and kittens

Vaccinations are crucial to protect your pets against serious and fatal diseases, some of which – like rabies– can be transferred to humans. And when it comes to protecting your pets against these diseases, it’s a case of the sooner the better!

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5 compelling reasons to have your pets sterilised

5 compelling reasons to have your pets sterilised

If you are in any doubt about the need to sterilise your cat or dog, please visit one of the SPCAs or animal shelters across the country. You’ll come face to face with the heart-breaking reality: there are too many unwanted animals and not enough homes for them. This...

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Dog bites – prevention and treatment

Dog bites – prevention and treatment

Dog bites are the most common animal bites treated in emergency rooms across the country. Young children are the most common victims, because they are at a similar eye level to a dog.

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No hot dogs, please

No hot dogs, please

Humans can sweat to regulate body temperature, but dogs can only cool themselves by panting. Those with thick fur or short skulls (brachycephalic breeds) are particularly susceptible to heatstroke

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Holiday hazards for mischievous pets

Holiday hazards for mischievous pets

Amid all the festive holiday cheer, it’s crucial to remember that pets may be exposed to unexpected hazards. Read about holiday hazards and keep pets safe this Christmas.

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What to do if you find a stranded marine animal

What to do if you find a stranded marine animal

Firstly, here’s what not to do. Do not attempt to pick up the stranded marine animal and put it back in the sea. Seals, in particular, will leave the water if they need to rest. Chasing one back into the sea is not only cruel, you could actually kill it if it is no...

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Heartbreak of a missing pet – what to do

Heartbreak of a missing pet – what to do

It’s the stuff of nightmares for a pet owner … coming home to find a gate or window has been left open and your furry friend is nowhere to be seen. They don’t come when you call them, and they’re not hiding in any of their favourite places.

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How to teach children compassion for animals

How to teach children compassion for animals

Empathy – the ability to understand and share the feelings of those around us – is one of the most complex emotions. While most children have a natural empathy towards other living beings, some may need to be taught compassion for animals.

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